IUM Holdings Pvt Ltd is a private company registered under the company law of Maldives in September 2017. The shareholders of the company are the Islamic University of Maldives (99%) and the Student Union of Islamic University of Maldives (1%).
The objective of IUM Holdings is to engage in profitable business activities to generate additional income for supporting its shareholder’s educational endeavours.
The company is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Majlis of the Islamic University of Maldives, including an executive Managing Director, who is hired on competitive basis.
Set remarkably high standards of honesty, transparency and preserve impeccable image in the society.
Explore and implement new educational and business ideas to enhance growth and profitability for our shareholders.
To excel with passion, dynamism and determination to deliver the best results for our customers.
“IUM Holdings Pvt Ltd” is a company established by virtue of section 7 (b) (4) of Islamic University Act (11/2015). The objective of IUM Holdings is to engage in profitable business activities to generate additional income for supporting its shareholder’s educational endeavours.